Smartphones make up one out of three phones sold in the US now. The cell phone display somehow seems to be where the most innovations in smartphones take place. First, there was the screen size that they upped the ante on; then there was the touchscreen. The newest cell phones among these are getting even smarter, depending on where you look. They come with screens that put out three-dimensional moving images that don't require special glasses. In the 3-D technology used in movies, two views of the same scene, one for each eye, are superimposed one on top of the other. Special glasses let one or the other through at a time, for the illusion of three dimensions. There is a hysterical effect here that could be achieved by wearing the glasses the wrong way. Things appear inside out right away.
But all of that is in the past now, with a new generation of great new screens on mobile devices that do away with the glasses. These screens use a special kind of optical technology that use light steering. The light emanating from the screen hits one or the other eye, not both. If you held a small holographic image in your hand, you would need to move the image back or forth a little bit in your hand to find the best angle - the sweet spot as it were. You would need to do the same with a glasses-free 3-D display too. For this reason, this kind of technology is best suited to a mobile phone or a slate computing device, and not a large screen television.
The end result can be pretty impressive; if you're playing a football game on a 3-D display, it can feel as if the players are running towards you is out of the display. There's nothing like it on the market now. Unless of course you live in South Korea. Samsung just released its first 3-D touchscreen phone in Seoul for the very reasonable price of $120. And everyone else from Nintendo to Nokia has something planned for their newest cell phones or gaming devices in the near future. 3-D will start hitting the market here around Christmas.
The technical term for 3-D without glasses is called stereoscopy. Microsoft even has its own proprietary technology that does away with the little hand adjustments that the usual displays require. Microsoft's version allows more than one person to enjoy a screen. Just wait till the newest cell phones with the screens begin to show up on the shelves!
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Newest Cell Phones
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