
Boxing Techniques For Beginners

Boxing Techniques

Boxing Techniques:If you are a beginner to the sport of boxing, there are some tips that can help you to get started correctly. It is important to learn the correct posture, body positioning and stance early on so that you do not develop bad habits that can be much harder to break down the road.

The position of ones' body is an important first step in learning boxing techniques. One should stand fully upright with legs apart approximately shoulder width with the rear foot a half step behind the lead (or front) foot. The proper lead foot for you will depend on whether you are right handed or left handed. Right handed boxers will have their left foot as the lead foot and left handed boxers will have their right foot in front. Toes should be pointed very slightly inward with the bulk of ones' weight on the lead foot. Arms are raised with the lead fist at eye level about 6-8" away from the face. The other fist should be at chin level with elbows close to the body. Chin should be down and close to the chest.

This body positioning allows for the quick, forceful movements that are inherent to the sport of boxing and offer the greatest protection. Getting into this body stance should be practiced repeatedly until it feels completely natural to the beginning boxer. One should practice the various punches that are most effective in wearing down the opponent.

The "jab" is a common punch used by all boxers. It is a very quick, straight ahead punch in which your body rotates slightly. When the jabbing arm is fully extended toward the target it leaves the shoulder in a position to protect the chin area. The other fist is in a guard position near the chin as well.

The "cross" is another powerful strike that comes from the rear hand. It is also a quick. forceful and straight across movement which again results in slight body rotation. In a similar manner to the jab, the alternate hand (the lead hand) is protecting the face from counter punches.

The "hook" is performed as a semi-circular punch from the lead hand. The arm swings in a horizontal arc toward the opponent. Most hook shots aim for the chin but there can be other target areas as well. In this punch, the lead foot pivots as the rear heel turns outwardly.
The "uppercut" is performed with the rear hand as it rises in an upward arc toward its' intended target. The knees are slightly bent at the beginning of this punch but with the upward motion of the arm, the knees also push upward. This movement adds additional power to the punch.
Training for boxing is essential if one desires to gain competence. Punching bags or punching dummies are a great way to help one become proficient at this sport.
Nancy Smith is one of the owners of RobbinsSports.com, an online retailer specializing in basketball backboards and punching dummies.
Boxing Techniques


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